Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hej Hej Til Danmark


Well, this didn't work out the way I had planned. Somehow there was a lot of work and travel and awesomeness and a flurry of new experiences, and now all of a sudden I'm getting on a plane tomorrow and going home. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but one thing that is obvious is that I really need to learn how to write shorter, faster blog posts.
     It all seems very surreal. I feel like I just got here, but somehow it also feels like I've been here for years. Saying goodbye to my Danish family this morning (who I will tell you much, much more about later) was very difficult, and on the way to the hotel this evening I became very depressed. While it will be nice to go home, Denmark has got to be one of the most awesome places I have even been, and I don't think I'm ready to leave yet. But I guess that's how study abroad works. It gives you a glimpse at another country and another culture, with the intention that you will be encouraged to return later, and will take home a love for a country that is not your own. This is how globalization happens, and how we avoid racism and wars and all the unpleasantness that is caused by people not realizing that other people are people too.
    So I am working on coming to grips with saying goodbye to Denmark and returning to Amurrica. Where I will immediately begin planning my return trip. You should come with me. It will be awesome. I'll buy you pastries and tell you about Vikings.

The blog will continue, for those of you who are interested in still reading it, and I will tell you everything I haven't gotten to tell you so far about Denmark, and also show you some pictures from Greece. This actually might be quite good. Getting to talk about the semester after returning to the States might make the transition a bit easier. Anyway, I'll see you on the other side. I'm looking forward to a day of tears, four hours of sleep and jet lag.

Hej hej!

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