Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Interrupt This Blog for an Important Announcement...

    Yesterday I walked into a bookstore. Which isn't that notable, actually, because I tend to walk into bookstores whenever an opportunity presents itself. And I've been walking into them quite a lot here, because there are several that aren't too far from the apartment and I have a bit more free time than I'm used to. However, this instance was unique in that the bookstore was one I had been searching for for weeks, since walking into it with my entourage shortly after arriving in Copenhagen. I remembered this one because it had a quite large selection of very shiny books, including several shelves of Discworld books in English. If I go too long without Discworld, I've found, I tend to go slightly rabid, so it was just as well that I found this place. 
   However yesterday, as I browsed the shelves and tried not to drool too much, I found something even better. It was relatively inexpensive, it was on a shelf that was low enough for me to reach, it would be an awesome addition to my collection of books by this particular author... it was, in short, perfect. And after standing there debating, I finally got up the nerve to actually buy it. Being someone who is mildly skittish of interacting with anyone standing on the other side of a counter, this was a pretty big thing for me, but the greatness of this find was able to drown out my fear. 
   Here's what I found. (Drumroll...)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In DANISH!

     Just to explain, I'm a... bit of a Douglas Adams fan. Just a bit. And Mommy, you told me I shouldn't hesitate about spending money. And now I get to learn how to say "Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster" in Danish, so really, it's a win/win situation.

    More pictures from Jylland will be forthcoming. 

  Ingen panik! Hej hej! 


  1. That is amazing! I very nearly bought some Discworld books in Spanish, but it turns out that they don't translate very well. Enjoy your book!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, it's probably going to be a while before I am actually able to read it, if ever, but it's fun to have.

  3. I am very happy that you bought something for yourself. That is a great. I love the cover design.

  4. That's so cool! "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is awesome.

  5. Seconded. And I feel that the fact that it's in Danish makes it, if possible, even more awesome.

  6. Emma, if "Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster" in Danish is anything like "red berries with cream" is in Danish, I really, really want to know what that is!

    Now that Pete has explained what a fjord is in an earlier blog (thank you, Pete, for the most excellent description) and I see that the meaning of life is, in Danish, as it is in English, I think I can sleep well tonight.

    Your excursions through Denmark seem quite awesome.

    If you ever have a need for a good laugh, try the last item on the Victor Borge CD (punctuation), and see what you think.

    Med knus,
